The Virus of Low Confidence

Feeling confident is a very crucial factor to have a great acceleration and shorten period of self development process for each phase. The machine of self development needs enough and continuous supply of 'confidence oil' to make its engine run faster.

In my opinion, there are 3 major reasons why people have not enough confidence. Those Are:

Irrational Fear. One of the common confidence barriers is irrational fear,- being afraid to fail before trying.

Lack of Self-achievement Understanding. Some people act too hard for themselves so that they have no enough time to look at their own achievement, to understand it, and to appreciate it themselves.

Environmental Factor. To be confident, one needs some supporting factors such as supporting environment. For some people, they try to lock themselves from being initiative and more active. One of the factors is shyness.

After knowing and understand those reasons, what should we do then? Try to implement these:

a. See ‘mistake/error’ from more constructive side,- and based on these points; (1) By knowing and realizing our mistake/error faster, we have more opportunities to fix it faster and better. (2) human nature is relative and has a correlation with the change of time and self-development process.

b. Know yourself development process and its result at each stage,- After that, try to appreciate your own achievement, make some evaluation, improve, revaluate, improve, revaluate, and improve!

c. Create a fair environment set,- which allows everyone to have the same chance/opportunity to exist.